***SOLD*** 1 - Used CVC Table Countertop Capsule / Tablet Counter
Model: CVC SC202
Serial: 101Z2208
Power: 300W, 110V 60 Hz single-phase
N. Wt.: 75 kg
Dimensions: 26"x32"x30"
The CVC202 and CVC1000 Electronic Counters are economically designed for semi-automatic or fully automatic counting of tablets, soft gels, and capsules into bottles. The 202 Counter is designed for semi-automatic table top counting. The 1000 is an integrated machine including single or dual 202 heads mounted over an inline conveyor for fully automatic counting. Both machines operate using a simple and reliable rotary disc and sensor design for mid to high speed counting applications.
- Built to cGMP Standards
- Stainless Steel Construction
- Compact Design
- Quick & Easy Change Over
Skidding and Load out charges: There will be loading and skidding charges added to your purchase at market rates for your convenience.
Location: Azusa, CA