1 Used CEIA Metal Check EMIS 130200
Model: EMIS 130200
S/N: 21721016001
Dimensions: 1300mm x 2000mm
Volts: 200-240
Hz: 50/60
Phase: 1
Amps: 20
Mfg. Date: 2017
Motor HP: 3
0.5 ppm by weight Detection Sensitivity at maximum load
Tunnel area:
- 130160 model 51” x 67”;
- 130200 model: 51” x 78.8”
- Height of the conveyor belt: 29” min / 29.8” max
- Maximum Conveyor Load: 3,307 lbs
- Maximum pallets height 130160 model: 65” - 130200 model: 77”
- Speed/Inspection Time: Less than 1 min per pallet
General Info: The EMIS ® is designed to automatically detect detonators and metal components of explosive devices inside the paper, newspaper, perishable goods such as produce, fish, and meat (fresh or frozen), and organic material in general. Electromagnetic inspection is the most suitable and quickest method for checking non-metallic cargo. The advanced technology employed in the EMIS ® minimizes the interaction with the goods themselves and does not depend on the visual interpretation of an image by an operator.
Features: Fully automatic detection of detonators and metal components of explosive devices; Low-intensity electromagnetic field: uses no ionizing radiation; Available in different sizes for inspection of single packages or entire pallets; No dedicated operator needed; Complete data logging and traceability; No periodic maintenance or calibration required
Website: https://www.ceia.net/
Skidding and Load out charges: There will be loading and skidding charges added to your purchase at market rates for your convenience.
Location: Los Angeles, CA