1- Used Feldmeier Tank 1200 Gallons
S/N: S51502
MFG Date: 2003 Made In USA
Material: Stainless Steel
Tank Volume: 4782L/ 1263Gal Has mixing shaft Vessel
MAWP: 25 PSI at 176 ºF Min.
Design Metal Temp.: -22ºF AT 25 PSI
Jacket MAWP: 50/FV PSI AT 176ºF Min.
Design Metal Temp.: -22ºF 50/FV PSI
Vessel dimensions: 80" diameter with a 60" straight wall.
General Info: Dome top equipped with a 12 paddle agitator powered by a 3 HP drive, 30" x 16" oval man way, (3) 6"ID vents, (2) ¾" threaded ports and (1) 3½" OD, 2¾" ID tri-clamp fitting. Side wall contains one ¾" threaded port and one pressure guage. Dish bottom has a ¾" threaded drain plug and 6½"OD, 5½" ID tri-clamp center bottom discharge with 18" ground clearance. Mounted on four stainless steel legs. OAD: 93"L x 93"W x 118"H
Location: City of Industry, CA