1- 48\uFFFd Accumulation\uFFFdTable\uFFFdELC-8-1 Steel frame MDL\uFFFd ELC-8-1 220V 60hz Gross weight 180kg Skidding and Load out charges: There will be loading and skidding charges added to your purchase at market rates for your convenience. Location: Gardena, CA\uFFFd Skidding: $225 Loadout: $200
1- 48\uFFFd Accumulation\uFFFdTable\uFFFdELC-8-1 Steel frame MDL\uFFFd ELC-8-1 220V 60hz Gross weight 180kg Skidding and Load out charges: There will be loading and skidding charges added to your purchase at market rates for your convenience. Location: Gardena, CA\uFFFd Skidding: $225 Loadout: $200